A Growing Community
"Our kids came from a great public school, but we wanted a model to explore--apprenticeships, projects, skills, sports, musics, cooking. We wanted a model that would protect and grow our student's love of learning and the teachers have done an amazing job!"

Bountiful Microschool Curriculum/Subjects
In addition to the apprenticeship activities that we participate in, we also study traditional school subjects such as the courses below.

Language Arts
Language Arts
Students at Bountiful Microschool read, write about, and discuss every book we read as a class (at least one each month).
Students read a variety of types of books including both fiction and non-fiction titles.
Students are expected to write a variety of essays including: an argumentative essay, a persuasive essay, and a research essay.
Students practice speaking and listening in group discussions and in oral presentations.

Math instruction at Bountiful Microschool is individualized. Each student receives instruction/coaching for mathematical concepts that are appropriate to their grade level. For most students, this takes the form of an online Math course (such as Khanacademy) with coaching and assistance from our two instructors.

Each term, the class will rotate between studying Earth Science, Biology, Physics, and Chemistry based on the Utah Core Standards for each of those courses.

At Bountiful Microschool, we study history through the books we read and the opportunities we encounter. We have thus-far studied, in detail: early American History, World-War II, and Utah History.
We have also studied numerous topics in less detail, such as Guatemalan History, Puerto Rican History, Afganistan History, and more.
When practical, we try to learn history through lenses other than a typical "white male" perspective.

Physical Education/Health
Physical Education and Health
Students participate in at least 30 minutes of physical activity per day. Sometimes we are in our very own gym (which includes a basketball court, weight room, and rock-climbing wall) and sometimes we take field trips to the park or hiking trails.
Several benchmarks of physical fitness are tracked and improved upon over time.
Students also receive instruction in Utah's Health I and II core standards.

Each student at Bountiful Microschool is expected to learn an instrument for which they receive instruction in small groups. We also occasionally have group music instruction about music theory.